scarlett luxe — Blog - Bespoke Hats and Headpieces - Immy Howard Millinery, Oxford

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'The Showstopper' Valentine's Day Shoot

While I was thinking about suitable 'first posts' for this blog, I started writing down a list of various people I had met and things I had achieved over the past few months. This shoot in particular is something I won't forget, so I thought what better way to kick off this blog than by writing about it?! Don't forget to have a look at Richard's blog post about this shoot as well!

Working with Rosie Red Corsetry and Richard Wakefield has always been an absolute pleasure, and the whole day was only made more enjoyable with the addition of the incredible Scarlett Luxe. Rosie and I had been shooting at the fabulous Talliston House and Gardens the day before (literally a house of dreams!) and had an amazing day there with a fantastic team, so were eager to continue to "part 2" of our weekend, located in Witney's very own 'Rock Barn'! 

In January, Rosie and I had been working hard on Rosie's first 'Rosie Red Mystery Dress' which we were so excited to showcase. With a completely red themed shoot (including red smoke bombs, how cool!) I colour matched and started creating 'Climbing Roses' which is a silk button percher, piled high with tumbling fabric flowers. Check it out in the shop! 

Thanks to Muzo Akademy for providing an amazing space to set up and shoot; they are a brilliant organisation coaching and supporting young and upcoming musicians! 

It was such a pleasure to work with such talented individuals and get some absolutely stunning results, while having loads of fun at the same time. Here are the final images!